.. OpenLMIS documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Aug 18 09:35:51 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: header.png :align: center :scale: 100% :alt: OpenLMIS | | Welcome to OpenLMIS' documentation! ==================================== OpenLMIS (Open Logistics Management Information System) is software for a shared, open source solution for managing medical commodity distribution in low- and middle-income countries. For more information, see OpenLMIS.org_. Contents: ========= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 releases/index architecture/index components/index contribute/index conventions/index deployment/index conventions/versioningReleasing Links: ====== - Project Management - `Issue Tracking & Project Management `_ - `Wiki `_ - Communication - `Slack `_ - `Forum `_ - `Youtube `_ - Development - `GitHub `_ - `DockerHub `_ (Published Docker Images) - `OSS Sonatype `_ (Maven Publishing) - `Transifex `_ (translations and localized text) - `Code Review `_ - `Code Quality Analysis `_ (SonarQube) - `CI Server `_ (Jenkins) - `CD Server `_ - `UAT Server `_ (Login: administrator/password) .. _OpenLMIS.org: http://openlmis.org